Friday, May 11, 2012

15 months

15 months has brought a lot of excitement. Dylan is so full of personality. He "talks" up a storm. Mostly jibberish but his favorite words at the moment are "Hi" & "Juice". He is very loving. loves to hug & kiss mommy & daddy & his favorite toys. He continues to enjoy making kissing noises & now blows kisses. Waving & clapping are still apart of his regular routine. He is at the stage everyone warned us about..he is in to everything LOL. He also likes to imitate everything you do. Its very cute. I was working out with 5 pound weights one day while Dylan was playing. That night he took his toy microphone & started "lifting weights" with it. Simply adorable!!  He recently learned how to drink from a straw. It is so cute how proud he was when he realized his newest accomplisment.

Dylan was very excited to finally get to the toliet paper before I could catch him.

Dylan has shown even more progress in his physical therapy. He visits his PT Lauren once a week. She has been working with him for 5 months. We are very sad that he just recently had his last visit with her. Due to our insurance we had to switch. He will begin with his new PT this week. We were so upset but very happy with how much Lauren has helped him out. His last few weeks with her, he started taking steps if we held on to his fingers. We were so happy!!

My biggest concern all along has been the fact that he could not transistion. Although I was so happy when he started scooting everywhere & then putting weight on his legs, we hadnt seen much progress from him transitioning. He was not able to go from a laying postion to sitting, or from sitting to stand. I began working with him non stop teaching & showing him each movement he needed to make to get from A to B. After weeks of this I could see somewhat of an improvement. Then... he shocked us!!

My sister & her friend stayed the night with us last week. You have to know that Dylan is a great sleeper. Our usual routine is when he starts acting sleepy I put him in bed, he closes his eyes & goes right to sleep. This paticular night I put him in bed & he would cry. I got him out, figuiring he just wasnt ready especially since we had company. He doesnt like to miss a thing! He styed up for a while & i tried again. Several attempts later,  I decided I had to let him cry it out. After a few minutes of crying, my sister walked past his bedroom to the bathroom. She came back quickly & said " he is standing in his crib". I seriously thought I misunderstood. I ran in his room & sure enough there STOOD a mad & crying Dylan. I was so happy I cried!! I was so proud that not only did he show us he could sit up from laying down but that he could also pull to a stand!!!

The past month has been rough health wise for Dylan. He has had RSV, & 2 back to back double ear infections! Unfortuately it doesnt stop there. This monday he started running a fever & pulling on his ears. I couldnt believe it. He still had a few days of (his 2nd round) antibiotic left for his ear infection so I couldnt imagine that his ears were still infected. A trip to his peditrician confirmed that his ears were actually looking great & the antibiotic was doing its job of healing them. His ped was very concerned of how swollen his lympth nodes were, his high fever & his blood count was high. He told me to go home, pack a bag & head to Kosair. My heart sank.
Kosair did an ultrasound on his nodes to make sure they were not fluid filled or infected & they were able to get his fever down. Once the ultrasound results confirmed that the nodes were fine just very swollen, we were discharged & sent home. They diagnosed him with a viral infection & we were to check back with his ped on friday. The next 3 nights were awful. He felt horrible. I stayed home from work & spent a lot of time cuddling with him. We were told all we could do is alternate tylenol & motrin for his fever, watch him closely for any changes & give him lots of fluids. Out of all the times he has been sick this scared me the most. He had never had a fever for so long & never that high.
Both nodes are swollen but his right was significantly bigger than the left

Today was his check up & it went great. His counts are down & getting closer to where they should be & his lymph nodes have gone down a bit too! Dr says it can actually take weeks for the nodes to go all the way down. He is now going on 12 hours fever free & is slowly acting like our happy Dylan again. I pray that he remains fever free & continues to go uphill from here. I also pray that sickness is behind him for a long while!

On a happy note here a few recent pics of our crazy boy
Relaxing in the dogs bed

Feeling better & reading a book

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