Thursday, February 24, 2011

One Month Old

I cant believe my little peanut is already a month old.  We have been through so much in the past 4 weeks but suprisingly it is all becoming a distant memory.

Today Dylan had his one month check up. He has gained 2lbs 2 oz since birth. He is now 7lbs 15oz. At this rate I might not be able to call him peanut for much longer.  We have really got set into our routine. He is slowly but surely letting me sleep a little longer at night. I now am averaging about 3 hours of sleep at a time before its time to wake for his next feeding. I have really gotten used to having my sleep interupted & having so little. I am really hoping that we could get to 4 hour stretches by the time I go back to work. Before Dylan, I didnt feel rested unless I had 8-9 hours of sleep! I guess this is just one more way parenthood changes you. 

Dylan is starting to make a lot of noises ( grunts & coo's) and is smiling a lot more. I love to see his many facial expressions. He is still trying to suck his thumb but hasnt been too successful. He also has started to grab and twirl his hair. He definitely has plenty of hair to grab!  I know I have said it before but I could just sit and watch him for hours.

I have 4 more weeks before I go back to work at the salon. I am already missing my co workers & customers. Being away has made me realize how much I enjoy my job.  I have to admit I do miss being around & socializing with adults, but I hate to think about leaving him in a few weeks. Although he is going to be in wonderful care while Im at work ( my mom & sister ) I know I  will be very sad to leave him. The next  3 weeks I am going to work 2 days at hometown. I thought this would be a good way for me to ease into leaving him. I will only be working 3 hours at a time & will only be a mile away!

I have started to take him out in public more. I am feeling more comfortable about his immune system but have to admit I am always using the hand sanitizer. I hate when other people go to hold him and dont use it. I usually try to tell them prior but sometimes its too late :(

I am looking forward to fri night. We are taking Dylan to his first dinner at Hometown Pizza. I look forward to seeing some of my regular fri night customers & for them to meet Dylan. So many customers from Hometown have asked about us, sent notes & gifts over the past month.  It is really touching to know that that many people care. Just another reason I love working there...we truely have the best customers, they are like family :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brooke! I'm so glad to hear you and the little guy are doing well. I love reading these updates! See you in a month or so for my next haircut :)

    ~Hannah Clore
